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Work as a taxi driver in the largest cities!


Work in the most popular courier app in Poland!


Start working as a driver today!


Deliver groceries from Żabka stores in your area!


Earn as a food delivery driver!

Uber Eats

Earn up to 30 PLN per hour!

Bolt Food

Work in multiple apps and increase your earnings!

Free Now

Work as much as you want and whenever you want!

Lola Market

Work in a new app on the market as a courier, shopper, or picker!

Who are we?

Flow Apps is a trusted and recommended fleet partner for Glovo, Uber Eats, Stuart, Xpress Delivery, Jush, Bolt Food, Uber, Bolt and Free Now applications. We deal with cooperation in applications, enabling our couriers to achieve the highest earnings with a minimum of formalities. We guarantee support at every stage, timely settlements and clear rules of cooperation. With us you can work on many applications at the same time, thus maximizing your income.

Bicycle courier

Our offer

młody dostawca jedzenia trzymający smartfon

Offer for courier

Work in the most popular courier applications. Start even in 24 hours!

Oferta dla kierowców taxi

Offer for a taxi driver

Become an Uber, Bolt or Free Now driver. Work whenever and wherever as much as you want!

wynajem samochodów

Car rental

Rent a car adapted to work in TAXI or courier applications in Cracow, Łódź, Opole or Warsaw!

pełna obsługa floty pojazdów

Full vehicle fleet service

We offer settlement services for your vehicle fleet. Contact us and find out the details!

Legalizacja pracy cudzoziemców

Legalization of the work of foreigners

Flow Apps offers full support and assistance in the process of legalizing stay and work for foreigners.

Ubezpieczenie samochodu i roweru

Car and bicycle insurance

Save on taxi liability/AC insurance now! Double discount for Flow Apps drivers! Reduce the price of your insurance by PLN 150!

What applications do we work with?

Advantages of working with Flow Apps

Timely settlements

Your transfers are our priority, that’s why we never delay payment! We make transfers immediately after receiving the money

Support for couriers

From the first contact with us, you will receive full support during the process of registering an account and signing contracts and, above all, during work.

Referral program

Would you like to recommend applications to a friend? We will show you how to earn money without leaving home!


We have many settled people and positive opinions behind us. Thanks to this, we have developed a cooperation system that will bring you benefits.


Each of us has an individual professional or life situation, so we will tailor our cooperation to maximize your potential and time.

Quick start

We value your time, so we have prepared a simple method thanks to which you can establish cooperation in a few minutes.

Why choose Flow Apps?

  1. We are recommended by Glovo, Stuart, Jush, Bolt.
  2. We offer an extensive system for handling couriers
  3. We have offices in 3 cities in Poland: Kraków(ul. Szlak 65 lok. 602), Warsaw(ul. Świętokrzyska 18, lok. 138) and Łódź(ul. Proletariacka 36/11).
  4. We serve in the following languages: Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, English.
  5. We offer full support via email, hotline, Messenger, Telegram and in stationary offices in the largest cities
  6. We offer the cheapest settlement on the market as well as referral codes and ambassador programs. We also rent equipment necessary for work and offer car rentals.
delivery map

Flow Apps to:

  • 120+

    miast w Polsce

  • 10

    aplikacji partnerskich

  • 4 miasta

    z wypożyczalnią pojazdów: Warszawa, Łódź, Opole i Kraków

  • 2500+

    kurierów i kierowców


See what our suppliers say about Flow Apps!


Współpracuje z Flow apps od 5 miesięcy jeżdżąc jako kurier Glovo i bardzo sobie cenię ich dział wsparcia który pomaga na każdym etapie, czy w trakcie rejestracji konta w Glovo lub podczas stałej współpracy. Polecam tego partnera.


Zmieniłam partnera na FLOW APPS i od razu widać różnicę w samym podejściu do współpracy. Dobre wsparcie, pieniądze na czas i fajny system polecający dzięki któremu zarobiłam dodatkowe pieniądze. Mają też najniższą prowizję na rynku jeżeli chodzi o aplikacje dostawcze, więc polecam.


Bardzo szybka rejestracja przy minimum formalności które musiałem wypełnić żeby rozpocząć współpracę z Glovo, w ten sam dzień w którym GLOVO wystartowało w moim mieście. Widać, że wiedzą co robią. Kaska zawsze na czas i pełne wsparcie. Mogę śmiało polecić tego partnera.

ikona znacznika ul. Proletariacka 36 lok. 11
godziny otwarcia Pon - Pt: 08:00 - 16:00
ikona znacznika Świętokrzyska 18, lok. 138
godziny otwarcia Pon - Pt: 10:00 - 17:00
ikona znacznika ul. Szlak 65 lok. 602
godziny otwarcia Pon - Pt: 10:00 - 17:00

    What applications do you work with?

    Poniżej przedstawiamy listę aplikacji, z którymi współpracujemy i w ramach których możesz nawiązać z nami współpracę:

    Aplikacje taxi:

    Free Now:

    Aplikacje kurierskie:

    Uber Eats:
    Bolt Food:
    Glovo XL:

    Aplikacje można łączyć, do czego zachęcamy w celu uzyskiwania większej ilości zleceń!

    Dołącz do nas i rozpocznij pracę już dziś!

    Zaczynam pracę teraz!

    In which cities can I work with Flow Apps?

    Flow Apps works wherever it is possible to work in the applications we support. To check where a given platform is available, go to and select the application you are interested in There you will find a “Served cities” section with a clear map.

    Flow Apps has branches in three cities in Poland where you can go and get the necessary support:

    • Łódź Proletariacka 36 lok. 11
    • Kraków Szlak 65 St., lok. 602
    • Warsaw, Świętokrzyska 18 St, lok. 138

    For other cities, you can contact us by phone, e-mail, via Messenger or Telegram!

    Contact Us

    Is working in Flow Apps legal? Do I have to open my own business?

    Cooperation with Flow Apps is completely legal! contract is signed with each supplier/driver, based on which remuneration is paid. We pay taxes and social security contributions for all employees.

    At the beginning of the year, you receive a PIT-11 from us, on the basis of which you settle your taxes with the tax office.

    Cooperation with a Flow Apps billing partner means that you do not have to open your own business because you work legally under a contract. Thanks to this, you gain security, peace of mind and you don’t have to worry about accounting or issuing invoices!

    Write to Flow Apps customer support.

    Good morning, how can we help you?

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